
How can I help you on your healing journey?

  • Intuitive Readings

  • Energy Readings

  • Intuition Medicine® Consultations

  • $150 for a 50-minute session

  • $375 for a 3 session package

“In my experience, the intent to want to be of service
is all that is needed to open the doors for a reading.”

- Debra Crain


Medical Intuitive
The ability to scan the anatomy and physiology of the physical body, as well as emotional and spiritual body and assess what is seen. This includes energy and chakra scanning.

Ancestral Line Healing
The ability to see family members, living or deceased, that have revealing inherited wounds and traits passed down through DNA to the individual. These are usually the first to appear in a reading.

Past Life Reading
The ability to read an energetic time line of the individual’s experiences in other times and spaces.

Spiritual Counseling
Assisting the individual on their soul’s journey using intuitive abilities and a lifetime of wisdom as a Modern Mystic dedicated to my own soul’s journey and my love of humanity.

My Fees

  • $150 for a 50-minute session

  • $375 for a 3 session package

Intuitive Reading
from $150.00
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More about my Services

As an intuitive I use my skills to read an individual’s field and interpret and translate information their soul conveys to them as relevant. During most readings an individual’s past events or stories will emerge and this can be a root cause of where an issue or illness began. Awareness of this can be a healing factor. Family members (living or deceased), loved ones, and acquaintances related to the individual appear for acknowledgement, and, out of love, sometimes have messages.

My Intuitive abilities include:

Clairvoyance (clear seeing without the use of physical sight),

Clarisentience (clear feeling with compassion and empathy),

Claircognizance (clear knowing without the ability of prior knowledge),

Clairaudience (clear hearing without using physical ears),

Clairalience (clear smelling with no physical odors present),

Precognition (reading aspects of the future).